I will never become a Christian (FaithFinders) [eBook]


By: Jeffery, Peter

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ISBN: 9781846255069

Seven reasons challenged

There may be many reasons why you say you will have nothing to do with Christians and the Christian faith—But are they good and valid reasons, well thought out, or mere excuses? After all, what is a Christian, and what does that person really believe and understand from the Bible? How do you become a Christian, and what difference does it make? Does it really matter after all? Peter Jeffery served as a minister for many years in Wales and England before engaging in an itinerant ministry of evangelism and preaching which has taken him to many parts of the world. He is author of some forty books, many of which are intended for new believers and those who are not yet mature in the Christian faith.
Peter Jeffery, once a minister in Wales, now has an itinerant ministry of evangelism and preaching around the world. In this book he sets out very clearly, the answers to many commonly held opinions by non-believers, and inspiringly concludes with testimonies of those who have been drawn by God to a life changing, firm belief in the word of God as set out in the Bible. A slim book, easy to read, ideal for passing to an enquiring friend.
The delight of being a child is not just an insatiable desire to learn, but also the fertile imagination and capacity to be creative. To play is to practice, and practice prepares us for real life in the real world. In these wonderful books …Mary Weeks manages to combine biblical truth with a beauty and simplicity that will appeal to all and every child. Giving them the tools to play and practice the real life they are to face. Such simple learning and profound truth are surely what all of us should be giving to all the children in our life and around us. These books are a must for us all.
—Dr Peter R Holmes, Galveston, Texas

As a mother and grandmother Mary’s literary skills are at presently aimed at the needs of the young, for whom her life-long compassion now has a meaningful focus.
—Revd. Timothy G Alford






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