Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views


By: Porter & Stovell


ISBN: 9780830839636

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Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views bring together a distinguished panel of experts to state and defend their approach to the discipline. Keying each perspective to a specific text, Matthew 2.7-15, each contributor draws out their how their approach to the discipline of hermeneutics would affect the interpretation and consequently elucidate the meaning of the Matthew pericope.

The result is a riveting and mind bending exploration of how to read the biblical text from multiple approaches each of which remains congruent with Christian belief.

Contributors Include:

  • Craig Blomberg (historical-critical/grammatical approach)
  • Richard Gaffin (redemptive-historical approach)
  • Scott Spencer (literary/postmodern approach)
  • Robert Wall (canonical approach)
  • Merold Westphal with the philosophical/theological approach

