Easter with Max Lucado

Praise the Lord 3
Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller’s gift — a pastor’s heart and a poet’s pen.  Max’s message is simple: God loves you; let him. Max serves the people of Oak Hills Church in Texas, where he has been on staff since 1988. Max has a heart for the hurting, the guilty, the lonely and the discouraged, & he has written over 30 books covering these and other subjects.
He Chose the Nails (PB)He Chose the Nails

Linger at the hill of Calvary.  Feel the rough timber of the cross and press the nail into your hand. Touch the dirt, moist with the blood of Jesus, and listen as they tell you what God did to win your heart.

CBD PRICE: R243.60 (limited stock)

 Six Hours One FridaySix Hours one Friday

There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life.  And it can be discovered in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are forgiven by a Saviour who died for you, and an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word.


CBD PRICE: R175.00 (limited stock)

 On Calvary's HillOn Calvary’s Hill

Early in the final week of Christ, the props and players from Friday’s drama are in position.  Only this is no play, it is a divine plan. Explore the final days in Christ’s life.  Draw near to the Saviour and prepare to celebrate the greatest miracle every conceived.

CBD PRICE: R115.30 (limited stock)


 No Wonder They Call Him the SaviorNo Wonder they call Him Saviour

The Cross – It rests on the timeline of history like a compelling diamond… its tragedy summons all sufferers… its absurdity attracts all cynics… its hope lures all searchers.  Jesus’ darkest hours.  Mankind’s highest hope.  They hang together on the cross for all eternity, leaving no doubt why they call Him Saviour.

CBD PRICE: R195.00 (limited stock)

Next Door Savior Next Door Saviour

One thing is certain, we can’t ignore Him.  If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.  Dismiss him?  We cant.  Resist him?  Why would we want to? Near enough to touch and strong enough to trust, we need this next door Saviour.

CBD PRICE: R195.00   (limited stock)

 Grace - More than We Deserve (PB)Grace

We talk as though we understand the term.  We talk as though we know what grace means.  But have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace, Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace?  Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.  Let’s make certain grace gets you.

CBD PRICE: R170.00   (limited stock)

These books are available through our on-line shopping cart or Head Office store while stock lasts.

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