Book Review: Struggles

Author: Craig Groeschel   Reviewed by Val Viljoen (reviewer for Gateway News)

#StrugglesInformation technology has completely transformed our lives. The benefits are numerous — instant communication with loved ones all over the world through social media, access to a plethora of video and audio teachings and preachings as well as entertainment in the comfort of our own homes, breaking news at all times as well as access to the reaction by the public to these issues – the list goes on.

But as we are all well aware, there are many pitfalls and we in our human frailties are prone to finding those pits to fall into. #struggles has been written to address this issue and to alert and hopefully protect us and those we have influence over to the many dangers inherent in IT. Easy access to pornography is an obvious danger and the author addresses this by giving practical suggestions. For example he himself uses tracking softwear that sends detailed reports of his Internet activity to two men, both of whom have authority to remove him from his role as pastor. I want to emphasise that the author has chosen to do this because of his awareness of his weaknesses and vulnerabilities — it is not something imposed upon him.  Read More…

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