20th Birthday Celebration: October

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Dog who stole Christmas, The Carswell, Roger  Day One  R2.86  48%  R1.50 Dog Who Stole Christmas, The
Essence of Feminism Reid, Andrew Matthias Media R50.00 50%  R25.00  essence of fem
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Law is not faith, The Van Drunen et al P&R R357.14 51% R175.00 Law is Not Faith, The
Shining like Stars Brown, Lindsay 10 Publishing R100.00 50% R50.00 Shining like stars
Shock and Awe Coffey, Ian Bible Reading Fellowship R171.43 65% R60.00 Shock and Awe
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Law of Love (Workbook) Moore, Beth Living Proof  R164.29  49%  R85.00 law of Love
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Is it worth believing? Clarke, Greg Matthias Media  R119.29  50%  R60.00  Is it worth Believing
Triumph of the King (2 Samuel – Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon  EP  R121.43  51%  R60.00 Triumph of the King (2 Samuel - Welwyn)
Freedom (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00  Freedom (Geared for Growth)
Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth series) Dinnen, Marie  CFP  R50.00  50%  R25.00 Freely Forgiven (Geared for Growth)
Preacher on the Run (Jonah-Welwyn)  Keddie, Gordon Evangelical Press  R100.00  50%  R50.00 Preacher on the Run
Help! I can’t handle these trials. James, Joel Day One  R57.14  49%  R30.00  Help! I can't Handle These trials
Light, Salt and World of Business Files Catherwood, Fred Didasko Files  R14.29  65%  R5.00 Light, Salt and the World of Business
 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5) Fawcett, Roger  CFP  R71.43  50% R35.00 Kingdom of Heaven (Junction 5)


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