Book Review: The Everyday Gospel

The Theology of washing dishes : By Tim Chester

Reviewed by Sylvia Bester

Everyday Gospel, TheIf you’re anything like me you’ll hate washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen!

In this delightful booklet Tim Chester reminds us that mundane tasks such as washing the dishes can be done for the glory of God.  We read that because we have the wrong approach to these everyday tasks they become tedious and joyless.

What then should our attitude be to this seemingly irksome and useless activity?

Tim gives us 2 suggestions:

  1. Ordering Chaos: “We are expressing our true humanity and sharing in God’s joy at creation. It is the same with washing the dishes.  The dirty dishes become a pile of clean crockery. The cluttered kitchen becomes new again” (Page 10)
  2. Serving Others: “ How do we move from washing the dishes as an unpleasant duty to joyful service?

Part of the answer,  I think, is to offer the washing of the dishes to god as an act of service, to consciously think of doing the dishes in God’s presence for God’s pleasure” (Page 16).  So, washing the dishes  can become a delight and is our sacrifice of praise for the finished sacrifice of Christ

And that is just the first 21st pages, so I invite you to read on….. and see what the author says about:

  • When Washing the Dishes goes Bad
  • When You Should Not Wash Up

And more……go on… read it … will take an hour but it will change your attitude for life

CBD PRICE: R50.00  (booklet)

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