Looking for new Small Group Bible Study material?

Brand new from Lifeway Publishers.


Fast Track is a personal discipleship experience that introduces the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation in only eight sessions.  Employing easy-to-draw memory icons and creative teaching practices, Chad Hovind will guide you to understand key story points and track along with principle figures, major events and session themes such as Trust Me, Don’t Give Up and Facing Adversity.

This workbook includes a small-group experience for 8 sessions, individual study and applicable Scripture.  Each session contains two main components: a group track and a personal track:-

  • The Group Track provides you with an opportunity to drill down into the identified theme of each of the eight sessions;
  • The Personal Track consists of 5 devotional opportunities that explore major events, circumstances or biblical figures identified in the message.

CBD PRICE: R140.00 Workbook

CBD PRICE: R460.00 for DVD Set(2 disks)

Counter Culture (Workbook)COUNTER CULTURE: DAVID PLATT

Welcome to the front lines. Everywhere we turn, battle lines are being drawn?traditional marriage vs. gay marriage, pro-life vs. pro-choice, personal freedom vs. governmental protection. Seemingly overnight, culture has shifted to the point where right and wrong are no longer measured by universal truth but by popular opinion. And as difficult conversations about homosexuality, abortion, and religious liberty continue to inject themselves into our workplaces, our churches, our schools, and our homes, Christians everywhere are asking the same question: How are we supposed to respond to all this?

In this small-group bible study, David Platt calls the church to a contrite, compassionate and courageous response to the most controversial issues in our culture.

CBD PRICE: R140.00 Workbook

CBD PRICE: R690.00 for DVD Kit (incl workbook, 2 dvd’s & Counter Culture book)

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