Coffee with Sylvia : The Fight by John White

Sylvia Bester Picture

Sylvia Bester has been part of the CBD family since August 2009 after retiring from her career in banking.  She has always loved books (the smell and feel of them). Sylvia is a Social Media junkie, passionate about people and how she can make a difference in their lives by encouraging them to read good books. 

Last week we talked about New Year’s Resolutions and de-cluttering your spiritual life.  The Fight is a  practical yet profound book the fightwhich is very easy to read, and it will help assist you with taking a re-stock of your spiritual life and getting it back on track. It also addresses the real life issues which we as Christians wrestle with, such as “Am I spending enough time in prayer?” , “Is my faith at the core of my Christianity?”,  “Do I give in to my temptations?” and ” How do I organize my time?”

This book reminds us of the joys and triumphs of Christian Living and of the eternal God who loves us. It is only by a fight against the “world” that we can achieve the goal which is set for us.  The Price is R75.00 each.

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