Wordly Wise (Book A)


By: Hodkinson, Kenneth


ISBN: 9780838804285

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Wordly Wise A is part of a three-book series (which encompasses Wordly Wise B and Wordly Wise C,, both sold-separately) that was designed to prepare students for the original Wordly Wise Books 1-9, 1st edition series.

Book A lessons include a word list with 8-12 words along with an example paragraph and illustration; this explanatory section is followed by T/F questions that test students’ understanding of the word’s definition plus fun hidden message exercises and crossword puzzles. Answers are included at the bottom of the page in small print and in random order. Unlike the Wordly Wise 3000 2nd and 3rd Editions, this version does not include any long reading passages or review. These books are in black and white. 61 non-reproducible pages, softcover consumable workbook. Book A is designed for Grade 2.


