The Young Peacemaker


By: Sande, Corlette


ISBN: 9780966378610

2 in stock

Teaching Students to Respond to Conflict in God’s Way

This 200 page Teacher Manual is designed in a workbook format; the appendices can be photocopied for child or student use.  Divided into three sections: Understanding, Responding to, and Preventing Conflict, each lesson has a goal, objectives, principle, and needs clearly outlined at the beginning, and is followed by teacher’s notes on setting the stage and questions to ask.  Reproducible student activity sheets for all twelve lessons are included in the appendices.

Help illustrate the conflicts and talk about possible solutions – good and bad – and what’s wrong with the “bad” solutions.  A lesson summary reaffirms the lesson’s main points.  Recommended for grades 3-7, but can be adapted for younger or older students.


