The Top 100 Questions


By: Bewes, Richard


ISBN: 9781857926804

27 in stock

We’ve all had that sinking feeling when you realise that the question you have just been asked has you stumped. It has never occurred to you before and your mind races to come to a satifactory answer, while you kick yourself for not having thought of the question before now. As a pastor of a vibrant city church in the heart of London, Richard Bewes faces tricky questions about his faith on almost a daily basis. This book is a compilation of his Top 100 question, asked by people from all walks of life and religious belief, along with an appendix dealing with difficult Bible passages and questions that can arise from them. The answers Richard offers are not pat answers to outwit the questioner, but rather, he seeks to give clear, biblical advice to genuine questions. The book is divided into five sections: The Universe we Inhabit, The Truth we Believe, The Bible we Read, The Way we Behave, The Christ we Follow.

