Putting Parenting to Bed (Study Guide)


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Do we really need more parenting advice? After all, if millions have successfully raised children for centuries without any books or courses, how hard can it be?

‘Advice overload’ from endless experts has actually undermined the confidence of today’s parents. The Putting Parenting to Bed Course can be three or six sessions and gives parents some simple, common-sense basics for raising children with confidence, based on the age-old, tried & tested wisdom of the Bible. It also gives parents an opportunity to think through the bigger questions of life that can lead to a real opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Perfect to use as an outreach course in your community or toddler groups, as well as with parents in your church.

Course leaders can choose to deliver the main talks themselves, or use the Putting Parenting to Bed DVD presented by Ann Benton.

Download the promotional trailer to show in your church or at mums and tots groups here.





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