Putting Parenting to Bed (Leader’s Guide


5 in stock

Here’s a great resource for any church looking to build bridges and share the gospel with the local community – a Bible-based parenting course for ordinary people from any background seeking some simple, common-sense guidance on raising children.

  • It’s short – just three sessions, so it’s attractive to busy parents who struggle to find babysitters.
  • It’s flexible – easily converted into six shorter sessions if preferred.
  • It’s accessible – based around three key principles drawn from the Bible, so nobody needs to be expert in psychology or child development to benefit.
  • It’s biblical – believers and non-believers alike will benefit from the wisdom of this timeless book, whose advice countless people throughout history and across the world have found to be sound, true and helpful.

As well as liberating confused parents to enjoy their children and the adventure of raising them, this course aims to make people think about the bigger questions of life. Through this course, participants will not only benefit as parents from the Bible’s wisdom, but will receive a gentle introduction to Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Course leaders can choose to deliver the main talks themselves, or use the Putting Parenting to Bed DVD presented by Ann Benton.

Download the promotional trailer to show in your church or at mums and tots groups here or view it online here.





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