He Speaks to Me (Workbook)


By: Shirer, Priscilla

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ISBN: 9781415820933

30 in stock

Preparing to Hear from God

He Speaks to Me by Priscilla Shirer includes study material for six weeks of in-depth, interactive daily assignments and seven small-group sessions plus a leader guide for facilitating the study.  Priscilla draws life lessons from the account of God speaking to the boy Samuel in the beloved Bible story found in 1 Samuel 3.

Priscilla relates six characteristics found in Samuel that are applicable to women today as they tune their hearts to hear God’s voice. These characteristics are:

  1. A Simple Relationship
  2. A Set Apart Holiness
  3. A Still Attentiveness
  4. A Single-Minded Worship
  5. A Sold Out Hunger
  6. A Servant’s Spirit

By listening to God’s voice and obeying Him, women will be drawn into a closer relationship to God that brings a deeper desire to serve Him faithfully.


