From Hip Hop to Hollywood


By: Goodwin, Brady


ISBN: 9780988415515

1 in stock

Today, more than ever before, artists are struggling to make sense of the many options before them as they seek to live out their faith while engaging in the modern arts. Not just the roads to success, but a consistent and guiding definition of it remains elusive to many. This is increasingly the case as confusing stances have been taken and even more confusing statements have gone out from some of today’s artistic, Christian leaders. Sadly, too often, pastors are also unable to accurately speak into and help clear up some of the key issues because the cultural dynamics associated with some modern art-forms are nuanced and numerous. But this is precisely where Brady Goodwin Jr. aka Phanatik’s new book shines. Having lived and worked with a consistent understanding of success in urban art and ministry for almost 20 years, as well as being deeply grounded in the Christian faith, Brady is able to help steer artists clear of some of the common (and even the commonly unseen) pitfalls facing modern artists. This 10 chapter book covers the 10 most important questions being asked by Christians in the arts, right now, as they carefully and prayerfully seek to know and then show ‘just what does faith have to do with art?’


