The Friendships of Women


By: Brestin, Dee

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ISBN: 9781434768377

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The Beauty and Power of God’s Plan for Us 

Do you long:

  • For kindred spirit friends?
  • For deeper friendships?
  • To overcome the pain in your friendships?

In the foreward to this best-selling classic, Priscilla Shirer writes:

Like a carefully crafted piece of art or a delicately woven tapestry, this wonderful book has stood the test of time. It’s deeply biblical, thought-provoking truths have touched hundreds
of thousands of women just like me who want to understand friendships, be on guard for its perils, become prepared for its challenges, and be recipients of its blessings.

There are small group questions at the close of each chapter – it’s the perfect study for bonding with your sisters in Christ.  There is a corresponding Bible study for women who are willing to do extensive homework.



