Cracking Da Vinci’s Code (Student Editio


By: Dunn & Palmer


ISBN: 9780781443630

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What’s the big deal about The Da Vinci Code, anyway? I mean, it’s fiction, right?

Yup, it’s fiction. But lots and lots of people are being fooled every day into believing that it’s the truth. In this student edition, authors Adam Palmer and Jeff Dunn will help you separate the fact from the fiction. you’ll get answers to the questions that have really bugged you or your friends, like:

Who really wrote the Bible? What is this hidden code all about? What’s the Holy Grail, and does it really exist?

Be one of the people “in the know.” Discover the true truth about The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Brace yourself for the fact that it isn’t just historically inaccurate—it may just contain a hidden agenda too!





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