
Connected Christianity


By: Azurdia, Arturo



ISBN: 9781845504687

1 in stock

Connected Christianity is a clarion call to Christians to robustly engage with the world we live in for the sake of the gospel. It calls us to be both Christian AND worldly, surely an unnerving tension when first considered but absolutely necessary if we are to truly reach the lost of this world we live in with the gospel they so desperately need to hear.
The Great Commission is your commission. You need to feel the weightiness of it. You need to own responsibility for it. It is not the commission merely of your church’s pastor. The work of evangelism is not reserved to one man who stands in front of the people on the Lord’s Day, or occasionally goes out into the open air. This is the job and responsibility and privilege of every one who names the name of Jesus Christ.
But how do we engage the world meaningfully without compromising the integrity of our Christianity? Is it possible for a follower of Jesus Christ to be both “worldly” and Christian? These are the questions this book seeks to answer.

Arturo G. Azurdia III is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology/Director of Pastoral Mentoring at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon. He was the founding minister of Christ Community Church in Fairfield, California, where he subsequently pastored for 19 years. He is married to Lori and they have 2 children.

“This commission is your commission. You need to feel the weightiness of it. You need to own responsibility for it. It is not the commission merely of your church’s pastor. The work of evangelism is not reserved to one man who stands in front of the people on the Lord’s Day, or occasionally goes out into the open air. This is the job and responsibility and privilege of every one who names the name of Jesus Christ.”
Arturo G. Azurdia ~ Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Director of Pastoral Mentoring at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon

“Christians always need help living in the world while they do not belong to the world. Art Azurdio seeks to do just this.”
Geoff Thomas ~ Alfred Place Baptist Church (Independent), Aberystwyth, Wales

“This book will give to us clarity and direction for the Christ-centered and Gospel-driven as well as holy spirit empowered answers from the Word of God. You will want to read this…probably more than once.”
Harry L. Reeder ~ Pastor of Preaching & Leadership, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

“WARNING: Arturo Azurdia’s Connected Christianity will make people uncomfortable. Despite the warning (or because of it) by all means read this book, slowly and prayerfully.”
Dennis E. Johnson ~ Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido, California

It is the work of man who has felt deeply the burden he expresses. And he conveys his vital message with all warmth, enthusiasm and seriousness that is characteristic of him as a man. No Christian who reads these messages can be in any doubt of the Lord’s demands for his or her life, nor of the provision made for him or her in Christ.
Evangelicals Now





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